Joshua 5:10-12—There Was No More Manna
The timeliness of God’s providence is always perfect. Sometimes, however, the perfect timeliness is, to us, stunning. Such is the case throughout this chapter. When Israel was most vulnerable due to their circumcision, the enemies were most terrified, so no attack came. Then Israel partook of the Passover, and the day after, they ate from the produce of the land of Cannan. And the day after that, the manna that God had provided for these forty years stopped. Just like that!
God had provided them with manna in order to show them that they needed his word more than their daily bread. Now the need for miraculous daily bread from heaven was over. So, the manna stopped. Gangel reminds us to remember that the manna had not stopped when the people complained about it (Num. 11:6) nor even at the various points of unbelief in the wilderness. God continued to provide for his people throughout that forty-year journey and only stopped the manna now that they had ample food provisions in the promised land.
God provides whatever we need—though not always what we want or even what we think we need—whenever we need it –though not always when we think we need it.
God affirms that he always does this. In Romans 8:32 (CSB) we read that He did not even spare his own Son but gave him up for us all. How will he not also with him grant us everything?
- When did the manna stop for Israel?
- Why did God give them manna and why did it stop?
- How do we know that God will always meet our needs?
Psalm 50a, 1a
- Thank God for Jesus—and for meeting all your needs.
- Pray for the hearing of God’s word preached this Sunday.
- Pray for a member of our church, for your family, and for a non-Christian friend/family member.