Sat Feb 8


Judges 2:16-23—The Lord Raised Up Judges

Optional Reading

2 Timothy 4:1–8


Judges 2:11-19 describes a sad and vicious downward spiral that we see over and over in the whole book.

  1. Israel sinned and served false gods.
  2. God disciplined them, in his righteous anger, by giving them over to their enemies.
  3. Israel cried to God in their distress.
  4. God raised up judges to deliver them.
  5. Israel followed the Lord as long as the judge lived.

It seems, as we read through the rest of the book of Judges, that the sin got worse and worse. They needed a judge who wouldn’t die. But He is not yet on the scene.

As they wait, and we observe, let’s consider some lessons.

God is gracious, even in his anger. Again and again he raised up judges to deliver and lead his people.

God is sovereign, even over his enemies. As the RSB notes, Israel’s enemies and oppressors had no power over God’s people unless God allowed it.

God leads his people into testing in order to see if we will walk in his ways. May we walk in his ways because of his grace and his sovereignty!


  1. What is the spiral of sin we see in Judges?
  2. Are God’s people today essentially different? Why/why not?
  3. How might God test us today so that we take care to follow him?
See the Sunday reading for meaning of the symbols.


Psalm 66b, 119r


  1. Ask God to help you walk in an upward spiral of holiness.
  2. Pray for the reading and preaching of God’s word tomorrow.
  3. Pray for a member of our church, for your family, and for a non-Christian friend/family member.
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