AM Sermon: Isaiah 7:1-16—Immanuel, the Gospel for Today
PM Sermon: 1 Timothy 1:15-17—Our Salvation and God’s Glory
Discuss one or more of these questions
What is the main idea of the sermon(s)?
In one sentence, how did the sermon(s) impact you?
Which of the following did you find in the sermon(s)?
- A sin to confess
- An example to follow
- An error to avoid
- A command to obey
- A promise to claim
- A prayer to pray
- A blessing to enjoy
- A warning to heed
- A fault to abandon
- A principle to live by
- Something new (to you) about God, Christ, or yourself?
Swedish method questions
The daily readings in this household worship guide have a few questions. However, we encourage you, as appropriate for your family, to ask the following general questions of the sermon(s) and the whole service(s) today and the readings each day.
Is there something that ‘shines’ from the service(s)—whatever impacts most, or draws attention?
Is there something you don’t understand, or a question the service(s) raises in your mind?
Is there a personal application to your life?
Is there something you plan to share with someone else–and who will you share it with?
How do ideas in the service(s) interrelate? Or with other passages in this book–or in the whole Bible?
How do you see Jesus Christ in the service(s)?
Praise (any or all)
Psalm Psalm 115b, 127a, 1a, 30b, 125, 145a, 119n, 98b
- Pray that you would hide the word read and preached in your hearts, and bring forth its fruit in their lives.
- Pray for a member of our church, for your family, and for a non-Christian friend or family member.